Modular Operation Theatres: Customizable Spaces for Efficient and Safe Surgeries

The atmosphere, infrastructure, and devices used in a hospital's operating rooms must be tightly integrated and optimized to the patient's safety standards. From an engineering perspective, it should provide the surgical team with a pleasant integrated workplace, optimized to the patient's safety standards.

Such operation theatres are referred to as modular operating theatres, which are more convenient and adaptable to the modern healthcare infrastructure. With the latest tools on hand, modular OT provides a germ-free workplace and the best possible treatment for patients. These customizable spaces enable efficient and safe surgeries in the following ways:

Laminar Air Flow (LAF)

The modular OT has a built-in air purification system that constantly provides clean air to the OT. Its primary purpose is to purge an area of potentially hazardous germs by purifying the air inside the operating room.

Anti-bacterial wall and ceiling structure

Acrylic solid surfaces, glass, coated stainless steel, and other hybrid materials used in walls and ceilings provide continuous safeguarding against the growth of fungi and bacteria without any joints, making them simple to set up and care for.

All-in-One OT Control Panel

It's a digital dashboard that makes all the operating room's settings available at your fingertips. The integrated OT control panel monitors and displays a wide range of data, including air pressure, temperature, humidity, OT light control, and ambient light management, for measuring the length of an operation.

Medical gases supply equipment

Apart from other technical aspects, some mechanical upgrades are also required, just as given below.

  • Shelves for some equipment
  • Electrical power supply
  • Mounting of Medical Devices and Others
  • Data points
  • Drawers for accessories
  • Support arms for pumps, mounting monitors, etc.
  • Patient Data Management

As the system has been centralized and does not necessitate repeat patient entry, modular OT is able to carry and convey adequate amounts of information regarding patients.

Pressure Relief Damper

A strategically placed air pressure relief damper maintains the desired pressure difference between rooms. This results in more cleanliness, humidity management, and temperature regulation inside the operation theatre.

Final Words

Stop thinking; your medical facility is eager to upgrade, so without further ado, contact the best modular operation theater manufacturer today.


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