Pressure Relief Dampers - Most Efficient Setup for Constant Pressure

Pressure relief damper is an airflow and pressure management system which ensures that a constant pressure is maintained across the operation theatre or in the ICU of a hospital. An appropriately sized pressure relief damper or PRD is installed in the room according to the size of the room. PRD prevents contamination of air in rooms and thus it is an essential installment for hospital rooms.

PRDs ensure that the differential room pressure is maintained when doors are opened between clean and dirty areas. Counter-weight balancing system incorporated in PRD ensures that a constant positive pressure is maintained inside the operation room. Pressure relief dampers use light stainless steel blades. The blades are light in weight for a specific reason. Blades in PRD open and close to control the pressure i.e. when the doors of the room are closed the blades are completely closed. On even the slightest pressure change the blades open completely to compensate for the change. They have a unique capability of controlling differential pressure of the magnitude of the smallest and slightest change.

The overall body of a PRD is coated with epoxy powder. The blades installed in a PRD are made out of stainless steel. Electrolyzed steel platesare used to construct the body of the system. This makes the body corrosion resistant which means the system has a long lifespan.

Moreover, the metallic surface of Pressure relief damper (PRD) is easy to clean which works really well for hospitals where one cannot afford to have unhygienic ambience. The pivot joint of the blades may seem fragile but it is very well bonded onto the frame and is maintenance free.

Since the system does not require any power consumption, it is a really economical setup which works efficiently throughout. The installation of the PRDs is also not hefty.


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