What is the importance of swing doors in busy hospitals?

The only two places where seconds really count are at the stadium during football games or at the hospital where seconds mean life or death. We all have been to hospitals on various occasions, sometimes to get ourselves treated or else to visit a loved one. But have we ever stopped to wonder how a hospital functions? The equipment, the infrastructure, everything is built for convenience, efficiency, less time consumption and to attend patients quickly. One very common part of the infrastructure that we tend to miss out on our doors. You might think that what’s so special about them, every house, office, the restaurant has them but that’s where the difference is. Hospital swing doors are designed and manufactured keeping various aspects in mind.

Everything in a hospital is time-bound; therefore speed is of great value especially during operations. Since the medical staff has to move around swiftly, hospitals can’t have the usual doors to open and close every time. To optimize speed and the response team, medical facilities have installed hospital swing doors. These doors are designed to weigh less which controls the speed of opening and closing along with speed buffers and resistance of the bearings. Even operating room doors are built on this mechanism since it is all the more imperative for the doors to open quickly, cater to the number of people passing through the door, repeatedly. Secondly, hygiene is a top priority for hospitals therefore doors need to be seamless, without any gaps or over folds which limits any bacteria contamination to build up. The stainless steel surface makes it easier for cleaning and is durable to withstand the impact of people passing through it every day.

If you would want to know more about operating room doors and hospital swing doors, click here for Modular OT Design and the array of equipment and products which can be manufactured and customized for your medical facility.


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