Pressure Relief Dampers and Sealed Room Lights for hygienic living

With the ever increasing pollution in the atmosphere, home is the safe haven one can find. But even the indoors can get contaminated with outside germs and dust. To prevent such contamination one needs Backdraft Dampers like Pressure Relief Dampers that are equipped with adjustable start-open pressure to allow excess air to reduce indoor air pressure. At the same time, we need clean and pollution-free lights for the hospitals, IT sectors and other offices as these places create excessive CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon) and other Greenhouse Gases from the electrical appliances like Refrigerators, Computers and so on. The Cleanroom LED lights come into aid in this context.
What is a Pressure Relief Damper and how does it work?
Pressure relief dampers or PRDs are air regulating appliances to balance a constant pressure across a partition of a wall or within a duct system. Each device is equipped with finely built aerofoil blades that are help in reducing the disparity and regulating the room or the duct pressures within the tolerance level, that is ± 3 pa over a wide airflow range.
Although the PRDs come with default set of blades, they can be changed accordingly. You will find the units with three standard widths in the market while the modular heights are varied up to 1275mm. If you wish to install them through the wall, then there are those with combined grills.
Cleanroom LED lights and their usage
Cleanroom LED light or popularly known as the sealed clean room light are the dust free illuminators used in highly hygienic facilities as in Laboratories, Hospitals and Production Houses. They are easy to clean and also offer the coveted lighting requirements. With over fifty thousand hours of maintenance-free operation, these lights are very popular these days.

You have a huge selection of the items discussed above in market, go for the one suitable for you.


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