Complete overview on X Ray Viewing Screen
X Ray is an essential lifesaving inspection technique, and none of us can deny from this. Basically this is a body scanning process, take images of our internal organ, bones and teeth on a film. Even lots body scanning and imaging technique has been developed in the past few years, but still after that X-Ray prefers most then others like MRIs and CT scans. Doctors recommend X Ray most instead of other observation technique just because of it is safe, reliable, quick and cost saving. X Ray viewing screen or board most commonly seen medical equipment in clinics, operation theatres, observation rooms as like as hatch box . Especially you have seen them in orthopaedic treatment and surgery rooms, but very few of us having information about this and technologies using inside for improving observation. So let’s take a look on it and understand technical advancement happening there. Over the period of time lots of technology and advancement have been introduced in all medical equipment a...